NovoMotion Outbound
NovoMotion Outbound provides the tools needed to free your data from the proverbial UniData jail and gives your users access to previously unavailable data.
Now you can keep your SQL database in sync with your UniData database - in real time.
Allows you to replicate data from UniData or Universe to SQL using data driven schema maps.
Normalizes data automatically from your MultiValue database to First and Second Normal Form.
Replicates data as transactions occur in real time, which allows you to keep your Data Warehouse and/or Reporting Database in sync.
Outbound V3 ~ Now Available:
Net Change Engine
Included Attributes
Improved Disk I/O
Control Record Tracking
System Requirements:
Unidata or Universe Server
SQL Data destination such as Microsoft SQL 2005, Oracle, MySQL
NovoMotion Schema Editor
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