Products and Services
NovoMotion Outbound - A suite of tools enabling you to manage real-time data delivery to a host of SQL data destinations.
NovoMotion Inbound - Directly updates UniData files from SQL events.
NovoNexus - Implements NovoMotion Inbound Software to import existing M2k ADI/BTI business rules.
NovoShip - Exports allocation information. Imports tracking information.
NovoSQ - Imports sales quote information into M2k quoting system and converts quote to order
NovoPLM - Imports Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) information into M2K ECO system.
NovoWMS - NovoRoi's answer to warehouse management systems.
NovoBAM! (Business Activity Monitor) - Executive sales view of Manage 2000 data
Major Release Upgrades
Service Pack Upgrades
Project Management
Custom Code
Novo Interface Products are proven solutions for moving
data in and out of your U2 ERP application system.
Contact NovoRoi Systems Client Services for an online demonstration at